Bine ati venit!
Sa va explic putin de ce a aparut acest blog.
Intotdeauna am fost atrasa de chestiutele lucrate manual, cred ca au personalitate si reflecta perfect modul de a fi al unei persoane.
Pana acum nu am avut timpul necesar si nici starea de spirit pentru a ma apuca de modelat/ mesterit. Dar....lucrurile se mai schimba :) Asa ca, din manutele-astea doua au iesit briz brizurile pe care le veti gasi aici.
Motivul pentru care le vand este ca vreau sa experimentez in continuare noi idei (si am o gramadaaaaa), si de asemenea sa aduc mici bucurii celor care sunt interesati, oferindu-le exact ceea ce isi doresc sa poarte. Creatiile hand made sunt deosebite, iar multe dintre ele sunt unicat
Asadar, va astept comentariile, si de ce nu comenzile la adresa de email sweetnamekyralia[at] De asemenea va puteti lasa adresa de email la comentarii si va voi contacta eu.
Mai multe detalii gasiti la pagina "Cum cumpar?"
Multumesc, si sper sa va placa!
Cu drag,
First of all let me explain you why this blog.
I have always been attracted by hand made stuff, i believe that they truly reflect the way of being of the one who is wearing them.
Until now, i haven't had the time or the sense to make all these little things which you'll find here. But things are always changing in time.
So here I am!
The reason I'm selling this is that i would like to try out more ideas (and believe me, I have plenty), and also to bring a little joy for those interested in these stuff. The hand made creations are really special, and most of them are unique.
So, I'm waiting for your comments and why not the "orders" on my email address sweetnamekyralia[at]
More details about the products and how you can buy you'll find at the page "Cum cumpar?/ How do I buy?"
Thank you and enjoy!